329th International Labour Organisation Governing Body, 2017
The following pieces were written by members of the GLI team attending the 329th Governing Body meeting of the International Labour Organisation (ILO) in Geneva in March 2017.
The GLI Team consists of Gemma Bray, Megan Buxton, Sarah Hake, Isobel Jenkinson, Ciara McQuillan Bridson, Edward Pemberton, Grace Wallace, and Grace Whitfield.
The team was accompanied by Professor Jason Heyes of the School of Management at the University of Sheffield.
Policy Briefs
Occupational health: Carrot or Stick Approach? - Bray
The Informal Economy – How the ILO has planned to tackle this ‘Hidden’ Workplace - Hake
Workers’ rights in Myanmar - Buxton
The Skills Shortage and Green Jobs Challenge - Jenkinson
Reimagining Social Protection in Response to New Forms of Work - Pemberton
Can the ILO Protect Women in the Informal Economy? - Wallace
The Trade Union Act and the ILO: Implications of a Widening Ideological Chasm - Whitfield
326th International Labour Organisation Governing Body, 2016
The following pieces were written by members of the GLI team at the 326th International Labour Organisation (ILO) Governing Body, Geneva. The GLI Team consists of Samuel Ralph, Winona Shaw, Monisha Khanna, Isaac Stovell, Mitali Sen and Asatu Getaweh.